Nigel Walsh
Insurtechfive | Nigel Walsh

Nigel Walsh

Managing Director for Insurance with Google Cloud

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Who are you and what do you do?

I’m the Managing Director for Insurance with Google Cloud. Prior to this I was a Partner with Deloitte where I lead the Global Future of Insurance, and InsurTech teams. I help companies design, build and run new Insurance propositions and launch new businesses to market, leveraging new InsurTech solutions wherever possible. Most importantly, I’m on a mission to Make Insurance Loveable!

1. What was the journey that brought you to your current role?

Prior to Google, I was with Deloitte for 5 years. I joined as a Partner to focus on Digital Insurance and InsurTech. This allowed me to work within the most amazing group of entrepreneurs and founders in the Insurance space, right in the heart of London when InsurTech was just taking off, and at pace!. I always remember when i joined, my clear objective was to be part of the community, not just serve it and over the last five years Ive had an amazing journey supporting Insurers and InsurTech’s

Before Deloitte, I had spent 7 years with Capgemini where i spent much of this time helping Insurers replace their core and customer systems. I learned a lot about large scale transformation, but also had clients ask – is there an alternative, faster ways to do this which lead me to the world of InsurTech. In most cases this was in addition to what they were doing with their enterprise wide transformations.

2. How do you get things done?

I try hard to create routines and new habits, but don’t always succeed, I’m a nightmare at being distracted – but always learning or trying new things out, from ditching paper, new to-do lists, time boxing, removing unnecessary alerts and much more. Nir Eyal always has great tips, check – becoming Indistractable with him & Dan Murray-Serter from Heights & Secret Leaders.

I love technology where it can help me and the data it drives, from the intermittent fasting app – Fast (I’m on a 500+ 16:8 day streak) to my Hidrate bottle reminding me to drink more water. Dare I say, small Atomic Habits from James Clear. Equally, and really importantly during the pandemic, there is a great group of online friends that each hold ourselves accountable, through the good days and less good days.

I’m a creature of habit – so start my day with exercise, either bootcamp or Peloton which sets me up for the day ahead.

3. Who are your role models and why?

I love the story of business, but more importantly the people behind them. Listening to founder stories is a real passion. I love seeing people build this business in the open. In the FinTech and InsurTech space, there are so many great examples. I truly believe there are lessons we can learn from everyone – once described as one of my weaknesses – Nigel you see the good in everyone!. I still see this as one of my greatest benefits.

4. What’s the one secret about your field or industry you wish everyone knew?

Insurance is the very foundation of keeping the world moving freely and safely, you may not love it – but you really should.

5. What are your predictions for the industry for the next few years?

I’ve been documenting my predictions every year over the last 6 years, as well as going back on the previous years and seeing how far off the mark I was. View my 2021 predictions here.

As for InsurTech specifically, I believe the space will clearly split into two areas, full stack carriers – end to end and those that enable traditional carriers. Both will be hugely successful as our industry continues to transform.

More importantly, where and how we buy (retail) insurance with the rise of embedded and invisible insurance, embedded into the asset or service we wanted in the first place. We don’t really want auto insurance, we want to get from A-B, we don’t want travel insurance, we want to be repatriated if something goes wrong, or reimbursed if our flights are canceled. Of course all subject to regulation in each country, which will as always ensure we protect the customers best interests.

We will collectively change the narrative around insurance and as a by-product – We will fall in love with Insurance.

We have all the ingredients, but we just want cake!

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