Paul Muir
Founder of Compliance Advocacy Solutions

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Who are you and what do you do?

Paul Muir, compliance specialist providing knowledge, skills & advice to the Insurance sector through my business Compliance Advocacy Solutions.

1. What was the journey that brought you to your current role?

I have over 35 years in the Insurance industry, across all disciplines including underwriting, claims, portfolio management, risk & compliance. For much of my career, I worked for a large Corporate which provided me with deep industry knowledge and wonderful connections. In 2017 I decided to set up my own business providing compliance services to the industry. I’m passionate about fairness and supporting customers experiencing vulnerability.

2. How do you get things done?

I focus upon the quality of the deliverable treating each of my clients personally. I take time to understand my clients strategy, business model, operations and importantly, their people & culture. This is not a job for me, it’s a passion. I’m motivated by assisting others through my experience & knowledge. That is what drives me & ensures things get done.

3. Who are your role models and why?

I have had so many mentors & people who I respect in the insurance industry & have influenced my career it would be unfair to single out any one person. I connected with Wheelchair Sports NSW in 2014 and started to truly understand vulnerability & unfairness. This has inspired me to assist the industry in the wonderful work being done to support customers experiencing vulnerability. As recent events have shown, we are all vulnerable at different stages in our lives. Compliance is a great vehicle to enable fair outcomes for all customers.

4. What’s the one secret about your field or industry you wish everyone knew?

A customer-centric approach and compliance are not mutually exclusive. It simply requires thinking about outcomes in addition to process. Start with the purpose & intent of each obligation, the harm & detriment it is seeking to prevent & suddenly commonality & themes emerge. The thinking then shifts to the control environment and how the controls will not only manage compliance risk but also shape & deliver the customer experience. Plus a love of the law & insurance and passion for diversity, inclusivity & equity helps.

5. What are your predictions for the industry for the next few years?

Products & services will be designed with an absolute focus upon customers needs & expectations adopting a modular approach to meet different vulnerability & lifestyle factors. Innovation through technology will drive the continued evolution of the industry. Fairness will be the constantly changing benchmark of compliance.

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