Aurora Voss
Insurtechfive | Aurora Voss

Aurora Voss

Co-Founder & CEO of ClaimSpace

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Who are you and what do you do?

Aurora Voss, Co-Founder & CEO of ClaimSpace. We obsess over the way that business collaborate with the outside world, helping them to create accessible and standardised digital experiences that also improve internal efficiencies and employee satisfaction. We started with insurance claims as it’s one of the most collaborative processes in the industry.

1. What was the journey that brought you to your current role?

All of the jobs I have ever had have been customer facing. And every one of those jobs required me to collect and share information with customers and other external stakeholders, keep them up to date on progress and of course report efficiently back to the business. But customer facing teams always get the shittiest technology or have almost nothing to do with how it is used. As a result, customer service staff end up acting as administrators – when all they want to do is build relationships. That got me into technology and I made my way to early stage VC with H2 Ventures, Australia’s earliest stage fintech and AI focused fund. It was there that I met my now Co-Founders Gilberto and Alfonso. They were building a product designed to improve experiences in insurance disability claims – I fell in love with the team and the idea instantly.

2. How do you get things done?

Start at the bottom of your inbox – not the top. I also find it a lot easier to be productive when I care about the people I work with.

3. Who are your role models and why?

My Co-Founders Gilberto and Alfonso. They maintain a Mr Miyagi level of kindness and calm throughout this incredibly volatile experience of being a founder – and to boot – they are masters of execution. I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else!

4. What’s the one secret about your field or industry you wish everyone knew?

That digital transformation without clear goals for the end beneficiaries of that transformation – doesn’t mean a damn thing.

5. What are your predictions for the industry for the next few years?

I really hope that default insurance takes off. Right now we buy something of value and then have to go somewhere else to protect it – that’s nuts. I’d also love to see insurers start to use more standardised tools to conduct business and optimise operations. It feels like the industry has become so used to taking great technology and customising it into a corner, until the end experience doesn’t resemble anything that consumers – or in many cases staff – recognise as being normal and/or enjoyable. I hope that mindset shift happens for the whole industry.

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